They’re polished, and undeniably good at this big-music, bigger-gestures kind of thing, but it didn’t touch me emotionally in any way whatsoever. And I just can’t warm to Jim Kerr as a frontman – every move he makes seems like a cliché from the Stadium Rock Textbook, his voice is shockingly one-dimensional, and all in all he’s never less than faintly ludicrous (Exhibit A: the above picture).
Although I’m glad for my thirteen-year-old self that I finally saw them, I wouldn’t rush to repeat the experience. And that’s before I even mention the rain. My God, the rain! The kind of apocalyptic deluge I’ll be boring my grandkids about another few decades hence. You can read my Herald review of the gig here. I’m off to listen to Sister Feelings Call.
I was there and they were bloody awful, worst i've seen them in over 25 years of watching. "Taxi for Kerr" indeed!
Well, bloody, said on a few of your points about Kerr and the group. Still, I do love them and appreciate them in my car to this day. And, well, at least you can say you finally saw them. Unfortunately, until I can get my ass across the big pond it's unlikely I'll get to hear the Big Sleep for some time. Once again, enjoying your shots!
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